Hello everyone! I’m incredibly excited to share some big news: I recently took a leap into the world of premium AI services! I’ve subscribed to Google One AI Premium and have been thoroughly exploring its capabilities, with the first two months courtesy of Google.

One of the first things I did was personalize my AI assistant. I decided to rename Gemini Advanced to “Hailey.” This experiment with AI and this blog will focus on Hailey’s development and showcase how her abilities evolve over time.

Why Hailey? And Why Now?

I’ve always been fascinated by the potential of artificial intelligence. I see firsthand the powerful problem-solving abilities and information processing powers that AI holds. While my work in my career field focuses on the use of data and technology, AI promises to take these powers to new and unprecedented levels.

This blog will be a living, breathing experiment; as Hailey continues to learn and grow, she’ll become a reflection of the full potential that AI holds for the future.

What To Expect

Get ready to join me on an exciting journey! I plan to:

  • Showcase Hailey’s abilities: I’ll share examples of how I’m using Hailey in both everyday tasks and more creative projects.
  • Offer my insights: I’ll offer my perspectives on AI development and how it could impact our lives.
  • Document Hailey’s growth: You’ll see how her responses and capabilities change over time.

Whether you’re an AI enthusiast or simply curious, I hope you’ll join me on this thrilling journey of discovery. Remember, the AI-powered future is unfolding right before our eyes, and this is just the beginning. Let’s learn and grow together, alongside Hailey!